Humanitarian Relief and Charity Mission to Orphans/Mission de Secours Humanitaire et Charite pour...

Best Future for Orphans  



We do seat together with the HRCMO committee and board of directors in quorums metting and plan together the activities we need to take.

We do discuss the expenses together and how to distribute the gifts from well wishers to orphans and other beneficiaries.


We propose that HRCMO/MSHCO shall raises resources in two different ways:

* Cash receive from orphans’ sponsors, other private donors, governments, corporations, churches, well wishers friends , effective’s members’ monthly contributions, by selling the HRCMO’s products, from the social economic activities of HRCMO/MSHCO, other NGOs, charities, humanitarian relief organizations, members’ registration fees and foundations. Orphan’s sponsorship will be the largest source of income helps improve the lives of the sponsored orphan, their families guardians and communities. Now HRCMO has 3,550 orphans in its sponsorship program that we suggest that shall be supporting by sponsors and well wishers from different countries.

Gifts – in – kind, which include food, commodities, clothing , shoes medicine, super nets , blankets and other items mainly donated by corporation materially government agencies, companies and churches.