Humanitarian Relief and Charity Mission to Orphans/Mission de Secours Humanitaire et Charite pour...

Best Future for Orphans  




a) Chairman – the chairman shall unless prevented by illness or other sufficient causes preside over all meetings and at all general meetings.

b)      Vice chairman – the vice-chairman shall perform any duties of the chairman in his absence.

c)      Secretary – the secretary shall deal with all the correspondence of the Non Governmental Organization under the general supervision of the committee. Incases of urgent matters where the committee can not be consulted he can consult the coordinator, chairman or if he is not available the vice-chairman. The decisions reached shall be subject to ratification or otherwise at the next committee meeting. He shall issue notices convening all meetings of the committee and all general meetings of the Non Governmental Organization and shall be responsible for keeping minutes of all such meetings and for preservation of all records of proceedings of the Non Governmental Organization and of the committee.

d)      Ass. Secretary – in the absence of the secretary the Ass secretary shall perform all the duties of the secretary and such duties shall be a sign to him by the secretary or the committee whether the secretary is present or not.

e)      Treasurer – the treasurer shall receive and shall also disburse under the directions of the committee, all moneys belonging to the Non Governmental Organization/NGO and shall issue receipts for all moneys received by him and preserve vouchers for all moneys paid by him. The treasurer is responsible to the committee and to the members those proper books of account of all moneys received and paid by the Non Governmental Organization/NGO HRCMO are written up, preserved and available for inspection.

f)       The Ass. Treasurer – the Ass. Treasurer shall perform such duties as may be specifically assigned to him by the treasurer or by the committee and in the absence of the treasurer shall perform the duties of the treasurer.

g)      Coordinator, he is the principal Coordinator of the Non Governmental Organization/NGO. 

-   He/she shall be responsible for the organizing, planning, coordinating, and implementing the activities of the association in consultation with the committee.

-   Unless program coordinator has been assigned, he shall be the coordinator of the work and programs of the association.

-    He/she shall be responsible for the overall running and control of the activities of the association, and for ensuring that other officers are performing their duties properly and efficiently.

-    He/she may delegate some duties and responsibilities to any member of the association, but he/she must be in close touch with all the work and activities of the association.

-    Unless another member has been specifically assigned, the coordinator shall be responsible for the proper running of any national sub-committees of the Non Governmental Organization/NGO.  He can delegate some body to replace him if he is absent.

-  He/she shall collaborate, and be responsible, together with the national treasurer, for all the revenue and expenditure of the association’s funds.

            -His/her duly appointed legal representative, shall be the official spokesperson and representative of the association HRCMO nationally and internationally in all matters. The founder BAMA WA MOBUTU GLOIRE is appointed and elected by the group indefinitely to serve in this post he can’t be released in fact of safeguard the vision of the Non Governmental Organization/NGO HRCMO.

h) Missionary Representative: he is the representative of the HRCMO/MSHCO in a country, wherever he will be sending to serve a mission, he is the eyes of donors, and adviser of the executive committee, trainer of trainers in all matters of development programs.