Branches of the Non Governmental Organization HRCMO may be formed with the approval of the committee and the registrar of the Society/ (NGO) and they will adopt the same constitution and the same name, they cannot do anything without the advises of the HRCMO headquarters. As that of the HRCMO headquarters with the following exceptions
a) The aims and objects not include the formation
b) Amended to the constitution can be only made by the HRCMO headquarters of the Non Governmental Organization/NGO in accordance with the provision of rule 14.
c) The provision of rule 15 shall apply to the branches but, in addition, branches will not be dissolved without consultation with their HRCMO headquarters
some times, it can be registered according to the local area needs, as an NGO, CBO, GROUP, FOUNDATION, TRUST, SOCIETY ect... but with the permission and only registered members.